So even though I'm already accepted I decided to go to the informational meeting anyway.
Hearing all about the program in detail was so exciting because I know I'm going to be there!
The woman leading it was so enthusiastic and genuine about Disney. She had done the college program also and is now traveling America telling people about it. She pointed out that this is a great chance to get a Disney job for the future not just an internship... Which is something I would LOVE.
I snuck and stole a mickey balloon at the end off of the hallway SOO PUMPED to have that floating in my dorm room. But then as soon as I go outside the cold wind deflates it and it pops! HENCE the broken balloon picture. But I still love it.
Watching all of these youtube informational and the posts are HILARIOUS. I love reading all of these people freaking out. Don't worry! If it is meant to happen it will.
June you are looking so far away. Please come soon.
Not gonna lie I am a little worried about the Florida heat this summer. I'm praying to God that I am put in an inside shop out of the humidity and sun.
I put in an email to my recruiter about where I want to work.. I'm not sure if it will help but it certainly cannot hurt. Magic Kingdom maybe?
The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.
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